The mission of Triumph Youth Ministry is to meet the spiritual needs of young people, equip them to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, and draw them to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of our Catholic community.
Let's be real. Being a young person in today's world is hard. The rapid rise in technology and social media, although beneficial in many ways, has left many young people feeling isolated and inadequate in this climate of constant comparison, fear of missing out, and even online harassment. In addition to this, the amount of pressure that is placed on the shoulders of young people today is astronomically higher than previous generations. Academic and extracurricular expectations, statistically one of the highest factors in stress and anxiety, often do more harm than good. In many cases, they create an atmosphere of competition instead of connection. Though school, sports, and clubs can help meet the psychological and developmental needs of young people, they fall short when it comes to their emotional and spiritual needs.
Our youth ministry is committed to creating a safe atmosphere where young people can take a break from the stresses of the world and experience the refreshment of the life-giving water of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to create a community where all young people are welcomed and loved and given the opportunity to "be filled" with God's presence and peace, and also have a ton of fun.
If you are a teen, we look forward to having you join us at one of our upcoming events! If you are a parent, consider letting your teens know about our program and encouraging them to come check it out. Most of our meetings take place at the St. Thomas campus, but we also occasionally meet at St. Elizabeth and in local coffee shops and parks! Our calendar can be found on the "Upcoming Events" tab.
If you have any questions, you can contact Jonah, our Director of Youth Ministry at [email protected]. You can also join our text/email list by texting TRIUMPHYM to 84576 and find us on Instagram at
Looking for information about out Middle School youth ministry? Click here
Our Programs:
Youth Mass - 5 PM Every Sunday This Mass is sponsored by our youth ministry and is geared towards young people and their families. Teens serve as greeters, ushers, lectors, and even help with the music.
Life Nights - Sunday Evenings 6:30-8:30 PM Community, Talking about Faith and Life, and Encountering Jesus in Prayer. These nights are awesome.
Prayer Group - Friday Mornings 6:40-7:05 AM On Friday mornings during the school year, a group of teens meet and pray together for the upcoming week. We also usually have donuts, cookies, or some other delicious morning pastry. All high school teens are welcome.
Field Trips, Retreats, Conferences, and Other Fun In addition to our regular scheduled programs, we also have semi-regular field trips. Some are high school only, some are open to both middle school and high school students. We do trips to places like Kennywood, Cedar Point, and Skyzone, as well as spiritual growth retreats like the Fall Retreat and Steubenville Conference.
We also make a point to support and walk with our young people by going to their sporting events and plays and meeting up at coffee shops. Invite us to your events and feel free to reach out if you ever want to meet and chat about faith or life.
Coming Soon:
LEAD Team: In addition to our 5 PM Mass and Life Nights, we are also looking to launch a Christian leadership development program for teens sometime this school year. This will be an incredible opportunity to grow - both spiritually and as leaders. Plus, being a member of this team will look fantastic on college applications and resumes. Members of this team assist with the 5 PM Mass and our Middle School EDGE program, and commit to deepening their spiritual lives through daily prayer and frequent reception of the Sacraments. We also will have a monthly meeting (usually a Sunday afternoon) where the team will go through leadership formation.
Leadership topics include finding your leadership strengths, servant leadership, personal charisms, growing in self knowledge, connecting to God, public speaking and sharing personal testimonies, facilitating faith based conversations, discerning God's will in making big decisions, as well as other great topics that will inspire you and help you inspire others.
We will be looking to start taking applications sometime in the winter, and more about the application process will be revealed soon.
Bible Study: Recently, we were asked by some of our teens if we could offer a Bible study. The short answer is YES. Once the school year kicks up, we will work with our young people to figure out what type of bible study they are interested in and what day/time we should offer this program.